Help Wanted
Mail Handlers Needed
Seeking motivated and hardworking people to work parttime or on an on-call basis. $5.15/hour. Start work immediately! Call Mary Ann at 216-631-8646.
Advertising Sales
The Chronicle is seeking responsible, motivated go-getters to sell advertising for Ohio's largest gay, lesbian newspaper. Experience preferred but if you're dependable and a selfstarter, training is available. For an interview call David Ebbert at 216-631-8646. (~~)
DENTIST/DENTAL HYGIENIST-Full or part time, excellent benefits. Southwest Cleveland suburb. Send resume to DMM, P.O. Box 38162, Olmsted Falls, OH 44138. (50)
Mail Order
BE HAPPY! Enjoy high self esteem and confidence. Send $5.95 for booklet to: OUR BEST PUBLISHING, P.O. Box 609247, Cleveland, OH 44109.
$3.75 each. FOR INFO: IGP, Ste.320, Box 7304, North Hollywood, CA 91603 or email PHOTOS RETURNED.
GEMINI HOME EXTERIORS Windows, doors, additions, enclosures, carpet, decks, siding, awnings, kitchens, designs. Free estimates. 888723-7717 Northeast Ohio.
Egyptian sand & tarot card readings revealing life, love, marriage, business, and health. I will reveal answers to your problems. Prepaid readings by phone, or for appointment call 614-449-0371. 699 South Third Street, Columbus, OH 43206.
Relieve Stress & Aching Muscles Licensed Massage Therapist, Elizabeth Leonard. 614299-0930.
Health Care
Coverage for all pre-existing conditions! No health insurance required! Offering discounts on: *Physician visits *Hospital services *Home health care *Nursing home/long-term care/assisted living facilities *Durable medical equipment network *Cardiovascular care *Medical lab discounts. 440729-3254.
Houseboy seeks live-in position. Ideal for busy couple or single executive. Anywhere in Ohio or surrounding states. Call Kent at 330-630-1969.
For Rent
Northern Ohio
Shaker Square Area
Spacious efficiency 1 BR and 2 BRs starting from $350. Near bus and rapid. Call 216-283-1740 or 216857-5478.
Near CWRU, Cedar & Fairmount-1 BR, third floor, limited cooking, parking, quiet only, no pets. Available June 1. Call Bob 216-229-8185.
Elegant, cared for Western Lakewood Tudor building. Spacious 2 BR suite, new kitchen. $650. Off-street parking available. 1 cat OK. 15303 Clifton. 216-521-0620. (48)
Cleveland near Lakewood, zip downtown in minutes. Engaging neighbors in a modern building on a residential side street. Walk to coffee shops and stores. Off-street parking. 1 BR from $375. 216-221-9925. (48)
EDGEWATER PARK AREA: New unique lofted 1 BR suite. Marble bath, skylights in BR, bath and kitchen. Heat, C/A, electric, appliances and cleaning service included. A truly luxurious living experience. Lavishly furnished, or available unfurnished. $1,250 per month. 216-651-5908. (50) Historical Archwood Avenue. Beautiful 1⁄2 double, 3 BR, stove, refrigerator, off-street parking. $625 + utilities. 216663-6364. (49)
Roommates Northern Ohio
Cleveland West Side-All utilities, located next to Metropark, 1-480, 1-90, 1-271 within 2 miles. Finished basement that can be used for own living quarters and large dormer bedroom upstairs. Must be masculine, straight-acting, and responsible. Non-smoker preferred. $325 per month. Call 216941-8362. (48)
Sober, responsible male roommate wanted. West 117th St., Lakewood area. $250 per month, includes everything except phone. Security deposit. 216-226-5277. (49)
Lake County-WM seeks WM to share large 3 BR house. $300 per month + utilities. 440-358-1333.
Old Brooklyn Female seeking to share 3 BR home. Smoker. Must be employed full-time, and responsible. $325 + 1⁄2 utilities. References. 216-687-1757. (48)
North Hill Akron-Share 2 BR apartment. Must be neat, responsible, and have reliable job. No pets. Pay 1⁄2 rent & utilities, approximately $300 per month. 330-376-8623 Sandy. (48)
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Help Wanted Business Opportunities For Sale
For Rent
Real Estate
Services Mail Order
(Erotica classifieds are an EXTRA $1. per word per issue)
Rehoboth Beach Condo
The Shore Inn at Rehoboth Beach, DE, now has a 4bedroom, 2-bath furnished condo for rent by the week, month, or season. Located 4 blocks from boardwalk, walk to bars, restaurants, shops. Sleeps 8. For rates, availability, information, call 302-227-8487 or 800-597-8899 now! (49)
Real Estate
Central Ohio
GWM roommate wanted. Worthington 2 BR townhouse, washer/dryer, $285 per month + 1⁄2 utilities. N/S. Call Chuck at 614-781-8890. Available after June 15. (49)
City Phone ( Mastercard Name on card Card #
Check or Money Order Enclosed
If paying by Mastercard or Visa, fax this form to 216-631-1052 or call 216-631-8646, toll free, 800-426-5947.
Exp. Date:
SMALL PRIVATE CONDOMINIUM BUILDING WITH A TOUCH OF CLASS. Bright, white and very clean. 2 BR, 2 baths, in-suite laundry, gas fireplace. White Berber carpet throughout. $113,900. Century 21 Lucien & Associates, Betty Samol 440-331-8500 x42.
Witchcraft study group now accepting new students. Group meets in West Akron. Dedicated to Goddess and God. Send letters of interest to Boxholder, P.O. Box 2596, Akron OH, 44309-2596. (48)
Practical Skills for Women workshop, June 26. Carpentry, electrical, plumbing, mower and auto repair, personal finances. $35. Scholarships available. Susan B. Anthony Women's Land Trust, P.O. Box 5853, Athens, OH 45701; 740-448-7242; email:
Erotica classifieds are on page 17.
The Welcome to GAS STATION
16016 Hilliard Ave Lakewood Ohio 44107 (216)228-4300 (216)228-0811
Brake Service
Front or Rear most cars
Includes Turning Drums Or Rotors With Lifetime Warranty Pads⚫ Metallic Pads May Be Extra
With Coupon Only
Tire Rotation, Spin Balance & Brake Check
Mag Wheels May Be Extra. Do it Now!
Winterize Check-Up $49.95
• Oil, Lube, Filter
• Inspect Hoses, Cap, Radiator
· • Back Flush & Refill (Antifreeze included)
•Check for Leaks⚫ Inspect Heater Brake Check Tire Rotation Most Vehicles⚫ Coupon May Not Be Combined With Any Other Offer
With Coupon Only
Master Cara
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Make check or money order payable to Gay People's Chronicle, and send to P.O. Box 5426, Cleveland, Ohio 44101 Classified ads received with payment by 3 pm on Friday will be included in the next issue. There is a minimum $15 per issue for each classified ad. Ads without headlines will have the first words boldfaced. Sexually explicit ads will not be accepted. Payment must be made is full before ad can run. NO REFUNDS. $25 fee for returned checks.
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